Famaraiso Paragliding

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Famaraiso Paragliding

Access to the launch site, safety briefing, tandem paragliding flight with a professional pilot, data collection for sending photos and videos.

The availability, duration and location of flights may vary according to wind conditions (e.g., in some flight sites the 45-minute flight is not possible).

The duration of the flight may vary according to the conditions. A normal variation of up to 20% is considered and does not systematically entitle the passenger to discounts (for example, if the passenger’s flight is shortened due to seasickness).

In extreme case, Famaraiso Paragliding will consider a possible discount on a case-by-case basis according to the general quality of the service or, if conditions allow, will propose to repeat the flight.

It is necessary to book in advance

Equipment to be provided by the client ( necessary): sports or hiking shoes, jacket, long trousers and sunglasses.

What’s included: safety equipment (helmet, harness, gloves), professional insurance

Requirements and conditions (minimum, maximum age; weight, mobility….)

weight between 20 and 100kg (more than 100kg contact us)
minors with parental consent
inform us of any health problem (dizziness, circulatory problems, previous injury, previous pregnancy…) pregnancy
sufficient mobility to walk to takeoff on trails, and to run a few steps during takeoff

9h-19h every day, if the weather conditions allow it